$(DDOC_SECTIONS Functions and Types that implement the Zip Policy used with the Archive template.


Refactored into Policy by Richard W Laughlin Jr. Original zip code by



Policy for the Archive template which provides reading and writing of Zip files.

Reading Usage:
import std.stdio;

auto archive = new ZipArchive("");

foreach(file; archive.files)
    writeln("Filename: ", file.path);
    writeln("Data: ",;


Writing Usage:

auto archive = new ZipArchive();

auto file = new ZipArchive.File("languages/awesome.txt"); = "D\n"; // can also set to immutable(ubyte)[]

std.file.write("", cast(ubyte[])archive.serialize());

class ZipException: object.Exception;
Thrown when a zip file is not readable or contains errors.

enum CompressionMethod: ushort;
Specifies the compression for a particular zip entry.

class ZipPolicy;
Policy class for reading and writing zip archives.

Currently lacks support for: + Multiple disk zip files + Compression algorithms other than deflate + Zip64 + Encryption

class DirectoryImpl: archive.core.ArchiveDirectory!(ZipPolicy).ArchiveDirectory;
Directory implementation for Zip archives. Provides any additional functionality required by ZipArchives.

class FileImpl: archive.core.ArchiveMember;
File implementation for Zip archives. Provides any additional functionality required of files by ZipArchives.

@property immutable(ubyte)[] data();
the decompressed data.

@property void data(immutable(ubyte)[] data);
@property void data(string newdata);
Sets the decompressed data.

@property immutable(ubyte)[] compressed();
the compressed data

@property CompressionMethod compressionMethod();
the compression method.

@property void compressionMethod(CompressionMethod method);
Sets the compression method that will be used.

ubyte[] extra;
Additional data stored within the zip archive for this file.

string comment;
The comment for the member of the archive.

DosFileTime modificationTime;
The time when the file was last modified.

ushort flags;
Zip related flags specific for this member, as specified by the Zip format documentation.

ushort internalAttributes;
The internal attributes specific to this member, as specified by the Zip format documentation.

uint externalAttributes;
The internal attributes specific to this member, as specified by the Zip format documentation.

class Properties;
Archive-wide properties for ZipArchives.

string comment;
Archive-wide File comment stored in the archive.

void deserialize(Filter)(void[] data, Archive!(ZipPolicy, Filter) archive);
Deserialize method which loads data from a zip archive and stores it in archive.

void[] serialize(Filter)(Archive!(ZipPolicy, Filter) archive);
Serialize method which writes data stored in the archive to an array and returns it.

alias ZipArchive = archive.core.Archive!(ZipPolicy, NullArchiveFilter).Archive;
Convenience alias that simplifies the interface for users

Page generated by Ddoc. Copyright Richard W Laughlin Jr. 2014—2016